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Three people sit at a table using a laptop. They are pointing at the screen and keyboard, suggesting collaboration or sharing information.

We’ve mentioned before that we don’t just want to be an agency – we want to be the agency our clients know they can turn to. The agency that doesn’t just put its values on the wall, one that lives and breathes them. But how do we do that? Read on to find out.

We work with you – not just for you

Collaboration is important to us – which is why being collaboratively creative is important to us, meaning any egos are checked at the door. Everyone on the team is as important as the next – as are our clients. Each project works because we’re working together and in sync with each other. We ensure that things run smoothly we’re using Slack internally, have regular Zoom calls or in-person meetings with clients so we can all stay on track.

We stay on top of things – so you don’t have to

You need to be able to rely on your agency not to just get the job done but to also be proactively ambitious, keeping up to date with the latest trends in design, software, web development and more. When it comes to UX we strive for the best possible experience which, in turn, provides fruitful results for clients. The example of being proactive rather than reactive is one of the reasons why our clients come back to us again and again.

We hire the best – so that you can trust you’re in the right hands

We make sure that new employees are the right fit for the team and are seriously skilled; they go through a challenging recruitment process and are encouraged to keep up their skills and be specialists in their areas, rather than expecting them to be generalists—quality over quantity. We also  provide regular training for our staff in their areas, giving them the time and space to develop their skills so they can be the very best at their jobs to support our clients.

We’re honest – so you know what to expect

We believe in honesty – that’s why we’re committed to sharing with our clients what’s going on, why we’re making the decision we are and what it means for them by being brutally transparent. For this reason, we provide timesheets to clients to show how we use our time on their projects so that we can be open with them. We also pride ourselves on the fact that we’ll give our thoughts – even if they’re not the ones they always want to hear, we’re ready to share our expertise and reasoning so they can get better results.

We get back to you – and fast

Communication is crucial, of course. We heard from a lot of clients that being able to get in touch with someone quickly was a priority for them (so much so they’d left other agencies because of it!). Following our value of being relentlessly responsive, we ensure that we keep on top of it. Currently, we aim to get back to clients within 1 hour during working hours and regularly monitor our response time. To be more specific, between 4th August – 10th August 2021, our median first response time was 27 minutes 5 seconds and our median time to close a support ticket was 4 hours 13 minutes.

Want to find out more about how you can benefit from our values? Get in touch with us now, and let’s have a chat over a cuppa virtual or in-person – the choice is up to you.

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